- The word slut written in cursive in massively drooled lines paint on select street corners
- The offensive and pungent B.O. of the clerks at Hums Liquors
- Convenience store clerks who hate their lives and never make eye contact or talk to you
- Seeing Scott Seekins on the bus or walking on Hennepin and trying to look at his perplexing fake hairdo without being too obvious
- Whatever that food is I smell that's always cooking in between 22nd & Pillsbury on my bike ride home from work. I have no idea what country it's from but damn that shit smells good. And they
sure eat a lot of it.
- Dick Enrico: I'll miss your sexy tan and sweet accent on your fine commercials. I'm now kicking myself for not stopping you for an autograph when I saw you walking around Lake Calhoun a few years ago.
- The smell of the stairwell I walk down during my lunch break at work (mentioned in previous blog entry)
- You know how you look at someone and think it's someone you know, but the closer you get you realize it's not that person? I'm horrible with remembering faces so do that all of the time. I'll definitely have a clean slate in that regard.
- Seeing the two Weird Beard homeless guys I've seen walking around the city since first moving to Uptown a decade or so ago. They're still walking around and look exactly the same. Will they still be that way (or alive) the next time I come back?
- The portly old bald guy with the orange beard who wears suspenders and walks down 22nd St. to SA every day for a 2 liter of Mountain Dew. He doesn't seem to trust his suspenders - he's always holding his pants up with his left hand. He almost qualifies as a Weird Beard, because you can tell he's not all there (he's constantly chewing on nothing), but his beard is well groomed and he appears to have clean clothes and a home. Sorry dude, no Weird Beard status for you.
- The horrendously thick Minnesota accent of the bald floor supervisor in the DT Target. I always hear him yapping over his handheld radio to his "team members" when I'm walking through there on my lunch break. The dude's voice is a carbon copy of William H. Macy's in Fargo.
- The Papa John's pizza fumes secreting through the walls when looking for a movie to rent at the neighboring Blockbuster Video
- Buying Caribou Coffee's espresso beans. Out of Dunn Bros., Caribou and Starbucks, I loves their beans the most. Every single time I go buy a pound, I ask for whole beans... and when I pay for 'em the barista always asks if I want those ground or whole.
- Dunn Bros. iced mochas. God damn are those good. The espresso shots are like syrup. I don't get them very often because they use tiny ice pellets rather than cubes which melt faster and water the mocha down. That pisses me off when paying $4 for a drink - but every few months or so I'll break down and deal with it.
- TV ads on all of the local networks featuring Twin Cities news anchors pretending to be friends behind the scenes. You're so white that you're clear, and please tell your bosses that you're not actors.
- People saying "melk" and "Jeez".
- Our incredibly loud neighbors who live across the alley behind us who I've never seen. They have a 5' tall fence so it's always been a mystery. I heard a circular saw going in the backyard at 1am a few months ago. That was interesting.
- Driving the Lake St./Hennepin intersection and always pointing out like a grumpy old man how commercial it is and how much it sucks now
I'm sure I'll add more as they happen and I run across them over the next 9 days, but those are the major ones.