Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Attn. Fla-Vor-Ice: I am your bitch

Aah, Fla-Vor-Ice.

Or as I like to call it: Popsicle Bacon.

Why are these things so f*&king good? Why is one never enough? I don't even really like the things or care what color I have. I'll decide to have one at random and 10 minutes later I find myself feeling slightly disoriented, hand propping head up on the table, sitting beside a sticky pair of scissors and a pile of 6-7 empty plastic wrappers that look like clear bacon. And every time my stomach yells at me. It screams "WHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY???????"

People say it's hard to quit drinking or smoking... whatever, man. You haven't had any real pain until you've tried quitting Fla-Vor-Ice.