Friday, October 22, 2004

Apparently, I'm an idiot. a.k.a. "The customer is WRONG, bitch!"

Yesterday some guy I've never seen before who looked as if he may have some anger management/mental issues came into the coffee shop and ordered a $1.50 cup of coffee. I filled his cup, took his $1.50, transaction complete.

Or so I thought...

"Excuse me, but I'd like my change," the man said. "I gave you a twenty and two quarters." He had a very you want to start some shit with me, buddy? sound to his voice.

Uh oh.

I was certain it was $1.50 that he gave me and I told him that. I remembered specifically putting a one and two quarters in the drawer. After a brief exchange of words - mellow on my part, pissed off on his part, we ended up counting the drawer in front of him. The daily report said $88 was made so far that day, and only $78 (plus some uncounted change) was in the drawer.


After hearing that, he said "well obviously you don't know what you're doing... you're an idiot!" His face was turning the color of a baboon's ass (not to mention it kind of looked like one)

Although he got his $1.50 back, he wasn't going to get the rest of "his" money back because the drawer was not over, and this made him very upset - he threw the word "idiot" out a few more times, said something like you're ripping me off, you don't know how to run a business, and on his way out mumbled something to the fact of this being bullshit and that we're a bunch of idiots that were robbing him.

I couldn't help myself and very sarcastically yelled out "Yup - we GOT YA!" That was probably not the right thing to say. (ha ha!)

He turned around and headed to the counter most definitely ready to punch me in the piehole; you could see it in his eyes. Thankfully there were other people waiting to order and judging from his behavior, he probably was thinking "oh, I don't want to hold these nice folks up - I'll just get along with my day and skip down the sidewalk!"

I haven't seen him again, thankfully.

Moral of the story: be sure to have a frothing pitcher full of boiling hot water on hand in case you need to throw it in the face of a hot tempered quick change artist that's going to knock you out for smart-mouthing him.