Saturday, October 9, 2004


My cat and I are a pest-control wonder duo of sorts. If there is a spider up on the ceiling or in an area he can't get to, I'll gladly hold him up as high as I can so he can bat whatever it is down, chase it, torture it, and eat it. crunch crunch crunch crunch

The other night, I was quite impressed - there was a fly in the bathroom zooming around for about 5 minutes, apparently unaware of the gigantic 7'x3' hole in the wall called a DOORWAY that it could have easily flown out of. Eeeediot!

I whistled for kitty, he ran in, saw the fly, and was immediately ready to get to work. I held him up above my head, and sure enough, he clapped that sucker in midair. The fly's wing buzzing which had been reverberating off the bathroom walls stopped and created a deafening silence.

Devo opened his clamped together paws to peek and make sure the fly was in there, and apparently didn't have a firm enough grip, as the buzzing started up again and the fly was loose.

I quickly shut the door and held him back up. Within 2-3 claps, he had the fly again. I put him down on the floor. Once again, he lifted one of his paws ever so slightly to admire his catch, and the buzzing started again. His head jerked around trying to keep his eyes on the fly, I held him up again, and this time he swatted it against the wall and the fly dropped to the floor. Devo hopped out of my arms, sniffed the fly, and lapped it up before it got away again. I saw his little head bobbing and heard crunch crunch crunch crunch

After all of that intense teamwork, he walked over to me and brushed against my leg as if to say "Thanks!"

Dear reader: What you just read may seem a little disgusting, but he's certainly a lot cuter, cleaner, and more fun to have sit on your lap than a flyswatter.