Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Hypnotized by the green glow of a new ATM sign across the street

Ever bite the side of your tongue and then you keep biting the same damn spot for the rest of the day? That's kind of what's happening to me with a new neon sign across the street at the Cedar Country Boy (see: Inconvenience Store post)

Above the entryway of the Country Boy, there used to be a tiny clock with lit up red numbers that you could hardly see. Last week it was replaced with an ATM sign with super bright green letters that I see the second I look out the window, not unlike Kramer and the Kenny Rogers Chicken sign on Seinfeld. Every time I raise my head, all I see is



It makes me feel like I need to go across the street and take out money, even though I have no money. I close my eyes for a few seconds and all I see are blurry purple letters ATM floating around... they're burned onto the back of my eyelids. I think about it when I close my eyes and try to sleep. If somebody were to get hit by a car in front of the coffee shop, I fear that all I would do is look up, gaze at the ATM sign and forget to call 911.

I can only handle a few more days of this and then I'm going to have to go over and clip the cord that feeds it electricity. But that would do no good... I have a feeling it would keep burning bright like Lady Libery's torch.

Nothing can stop the ATM sign, and nothing can keep me from looking at it. Perhaps I should wear tanning bed goggles.

For the love of God, make it stop...