Monday, October 25, 2004

SpaGhetto Os

I felt the need to once again use this online Ebonics translator for today's journal entry... It just needed that extra little push to go with the flow of the "SpaGhetto Os" concept.

Yo buss dis. I wuz jus munchin on some Spahgetti Os fuh lunch an' came up wit a new product fuh de folk at Campbell's to try out in de tes kitchen:

"SpaGhetto Os"

Wit thins likes Pimp Juice on de market, dis could go ovuh very well.

De label could be some sort uh pimped out thin wit sparkely gold letters an' has a pictua uh Flava Flav eatindem out uh a big expensive hubcap surrounded by a bunch uh hos.

De pasta could be buck sign shaped - maybe cannabis leaf shapes would be bad assed as well. Hey.. Evuh see hubcap-shaped pasta before? I aint either. See what I'm sayin? Dat would be phat.

Are you listenin, Campbells? Sheeit!