Wednesday, December 7, 2005

The Dripping Noise

I just woke up to a strange dripping noise coming from the corner of my bedroom wall and now I can't sleep; I have dripping noise insomnia. My first thought was that it might be blood, but no - that would have been last week. I've got radiator heat in this place and it turns out that one of the pipes next to the wall is leaking.


Who let you in here? Get out of my bedroom! Just because you're reading my blogs doesn't mean you can poke around in my bedroom like this. Hey you! Stop looking at my socks. Yeah, I'm too lazy to put my clean laundry away. So kill me. And you. You put that down, now... that's not even mine. It's not like I have anywhere I would put something like that. Ish. You're gonna want to wash your hands, FYI.

All right, everyone out of my room. I have to work tomorrow. What the f#$k do you think this is, your own personal place to come and hang out?

Jeez, the nerve of you people. Get back, Honky Cats.